Board of Directors Voting
“Marce of North America is committed to their leadership representing the perinatal persons and their families that we are committed to the clinical care, advocacy, research and treatment of. With that goal in mind, we seek to diversify our board to include more representation of minorities, gender diversity, obstetricians, career and field diversity, and increase the pipeline for early career professionals.”
Position Descriptions
President ELEct
(Term of Service Treasurer Elect 6 years)
Participate in monthly teleconference with Officers and Board members. All Officers are expected to attend 8 of the 12 yearly meetings and can be removed from the Board for noncompliance. Extraordinary circumstances will be excepted.
Work closely with the President, who will delegate tasks as needed.
Chair meetings in the absence of the President.
Assist the President with arrangements and tasks as delegated in order to support the biennial Conference.
Serve as Chair of the Governance Committee which will update and develop policy guidelines for the Society.
President Elect Nominee
Lauren Osborne, MD
Letter of Intent
Treasurer elect
(Term of Service Treasurer Elect 4 years)
In conjunction with the Treasurer perform the following duties:
Participate in monthly teleconference with Officers and Board members. All Officers are expected to attend 8 of the 12 yearly meetings and can be removed from the Board for noncompliance. Extraordinary circumstances will be excepted.
Approve and conduct all financial transactions of the Society.
Oversee the bank accounts and savings accounts of the Society.
Sign contracts and checks on behalf of MONA.
Work with the Administrative Manager and President to ensure that all tax and legal documents are filed completely and on time.
Present audited accounts of the Society to the membership of the General Assembly at the Biennial Conference.
Advise regarding Conference budgets as required.
In collaboration with the Immediate Past President, compile potential funding resources for foundations/grants, endowed lectureships and take the lead for applications.
Treasurer Elect Nominee
Mary Kimmel, MD
Letter of Intent
Community Member Liasion
(Term of Service Community Member Liaison 4 years)
Is a representative of the advocacy community and will be knowledgeable about advocacy efforts pertaining to perinatal mental health policies, acts, or legislation in North America.
The Community Representative will be responsible for detailed communication and facilitation of BOD voting for MONA to partner or "sigh-on" for advocacy efforts that are consistent with MONA's mission.
The Community Member Liaison has full voting rights on the Board and is expected to attend 8 of the 12 monthly Board Meeting. The community member liaison may be elected to serve a term of 4 years and may be elected to serve up to two terms, but not consecutively.
Community Member LIASION Nominee
Jaime Belsito
Letter of Intent
Board Member
(3) positions available
(Term of Service Board Members 4 years)
Participate in monthly teleconference with Officers and Board -members. All Board Members are expected to attend 8 of the 12 yearly meetings and can be removed from the Board for noncompliance. Extraordinary circumstances will be excepted.
Oversee a portfolio of responsibilities/tasks/projects for the advancement of MONA.
Manage affiliate relationships as directed by the President.
Participate in additional special projects as developed by the Officers and Board Members.
Board Member NomineeS
Amritha Bhat, MD, MPH Harita Raja MD Kristina M. Deligiannidis, MD
Lucy Barker, MD PhD FRCPC Lindsay R. Standeven, M.D. Tracy Moran Vozar, Ph.D., IMH-E (IV-R)|