Advocacy and Support: Statements and Letters from Experts
New York Perinatal Psychiatrists letter on labor and delivery restrictions
Coalition to Advance Maternal Therapeutics letter
Letter to a new father during the pandemic
Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine and Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology Considerations on Labor and Delivery during COVID-19
COVID-19 Research for Pregnant and or Lactating Women
Mother-to-Baby COVID-19 Pregnancy Study
Live-Stream Workouts During Coronavirus from Fitness Studios and Gyms
Professional Resources
American Psychiatric Association Guidelines for Working Remotely
Professional webinar series for tele-therapy in perinatal mental health
Resources for Children
Camp Quarantine: How to Keep Kids Occupied
Talking to children about coronavirus
Helping kids cope while sheltering in place
Video chatting activities for grandparents and children
Resources for Spanish Speaking Professionals and Patients
Letter to the isolated patient
Well-being and Mental Health Resources
Coronavirus Sanity Guide for Healthcare Workers
Mindfulness Resources to Find Calm and Nourish Resilience
Mindfulness App
Speaking of Psychology: Managing Your Mental Health During COVID-19
Weekly online support group for women with anxiety due to COVID-19
Why Stress Baking and Cleaning Make You Less Anxious